Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Loving it!

Hello everyone!

It's been another wonderful week here for me! Thanksgiving was great here at the MTC. On Tuesday we had Elder Oaks come and speak and then Thursday, Elder Holland! It was the most amazing thing to hear from apostles of the Lord...and two of them in a week! Later that day, we did a humanitarian service project. It was a great day and the food was actually better than normal so I'm definitely grateful for those people who took time away from their families to prepare it. The holidays I'd have to say is such a wonderful time for missionary work. Christmas lights are all over the MTC...it's beautiful. There's a christmas tree in the foyer of the MTC with all the country flags. So, The other day, Sorella Miller and I wanted to go get a picture with the italian flag. We took a picture with what we thought was the Italian flag and later that night, one of the teachers came up and looked at our name tags and was like, "Where are you sisters going?" We told him Catania, Italy and he was like, "Oh, ya...umm...the Italian flag and HUNGARIAN flag are similar. I saw you taking a picture with the hungarian flag and didn't know there were Sister missionaries going there..." haha. Ahh--embarrassing! I should probably learn what the Italian flag looks like before going, huh?! I was able to talk with a lady on the phone this past week asking her if she had received her Bible that we sent her. Ok wait, you need to know background on her. first off, her name was Eula Mae, from Jackson, Mississippi and 70 years old. CUTEST LADY IN THE WORLD. She said the missionaries had stopped by and we got to talk for about 5 minutes about what she learned in her "Bible study" as she called it. It was probably the highlight of my week. So much has happened this week! Italian is coming along. We speak mostly all Italian (as much as we can) to each other in class and at lunch. My only problem is rolling my R's. haha. It's been quite the task. But I'm learning...I walk around saying "troppo", "tres", "parlare" and any other R word I know to get it down. We've been learning a lot aobut teaching to the needs of the people. It's been neat to find out for myself how applicable the gospel is to everyone and every situation. I love everything I do. I love teaching and learning more about the gospel, I love bearing testimony every day in Italian, I love learning italian so that I can actually go back and talk to those nuns over in Italy (haha), I love going to the temple every week, I love testifying of truth, I love talking to people like EULA MAE about her Bible study, I love going to fireside/devotional twice a week and I love helping others through service. I hope everyone is doing wonderful! Have a great week!

Sorella Hashey

"The Lord calls us in our weakness, but he qualifies us for His work"
-Joseph Smith

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